Psychometric Assessments/Testing
We offer affordable, reliable and valid assessments which provide a unique insight into a person’s ability and personality.
Let us guide you through the maze of assessments available, ensuring you use the right assessment for the right purpose, making better decisions about; people, culture, recruitment, training and employee development.
Psychometric Testing gives unique ability and personality data that can provide you with valuable insights to support your recruitment decisions or staff development.
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Contact Us-
We specialise in:
- Personality and Behaviour Testing
- Numerical and Verbal Reasoning
- Abstract Reasoning
- Verbal Comprehension
- Critical Thinking
- Cognitive Assessments
- Emotional Intelligence
- Microsoft Assessments
- Industry Specific Skills
- Social Skills
- Typing and Data Entry Skills
- Accounting & Math
- Customer Service
We are accredited
providers of:
- Talogy (Opra) Personality and Ability
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
- Extended DISC
- Saville Wave
- CliftonStrengths
- MSCEIT (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test)
- SkillCheck