07 May 2024

What truly makes an effective employment relationship?

The manager-employee relationship has a critical impact on performance and productivity in any business.    When relationships fail productivity plummets, the climate in the business is pretty frosty and overall it’s just not a nice place to work.   Everyone in the team is affected by a dysfunctional employment relationship.


So why do companies often neglect to emphasise the need for effective relationships between both parties?    Let’s face it good relationships between employer and employee don’t just happen.  They are the result of strategy and activities that are designed to improve communication between employees and managers.


Firstly, let’s take a look at what the law says about an effective employment relationship – whether you’re the boss or the employee.   In New Zealand we have a piece of legislation called the Employment Relations Act which outlines the characteristics of a “good” employment relationship – which in broad terms means that employers and employees are obliged to deal with each other at all times fairly, reasonably and in good faith.   “Good faith” means:

In real terms, however, if all employment relationships lived by these principles I wouldn’t be writing this article!


Whether you’re the boss or an employee what can you do to be part of a truly effective employment relationship?  


At the end of the day, having good working relationships just makes sense.  Work consumes most of our time and having truly effective relationships makes things more enjoyable and leads to a healthy and productive workplace.   Idealistic in some respects I’m sure, but with a bit of effort from all parties, it can definitely be a reality!


Senga Allen │ Managing Director