The development of People and Culture is a somewhat new idea. People and Culture is a more progressive approach to managing people – it is more holistic and people focused, and not so policy based.
A People and Culture centered approach in business creates a positive work environment that directly benefits the business. If we go back to the ’90s the term Human Resources did create some wrinkles – people are people, not resources to be used. Human Resources had much more of a compliance focus to it. It doesn’t really resonate with what we’re all trying to achieve in business. A positive and productive work environment! People who are treated like people, as opposed to “resources” are much happier. If we then push a little further into a positive work environment, this is where the concept of culture fits in nicely.
Culture is the unseen way that things work in a business or organisation. To achieve a healthy and productive culture you must be incredibly intentional about creating the culture you want.
If you’re not focused on it – then the culture you end up with by default is likely to be one you don’t actually want!!
This is where People and Culture as a discipline comes in. Don’t get me wrong – we all need structure, standards and agreed behaviors, but once we focus on the strategy of people and culture, we can have a meaningful impact on people’s lives by giving them a work environment where they can be themselves and thrive! Who wouldn’t want that in business?
Senga Allen,
Everest – All about people