04 May 2020

Lockdown Lessons

As we (hopefully) move towards the end of lockdown in NZ, I want to share some lessons I’ve learned in the last 4 weeks.

1. Never postpone a haircut.
I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling the lack of visits to the hairdresser. Having been due for a haircut the week before lockdown, and postponing it to the day it started, I am cursing myself for not getting my Barnett sorted sooner!

2. Invest in some fitness equipment.
The last few weeks have been spent getting creative with a couple of light kettlebells and a skipping rope made from electrical wire! The first thing I plan on doing once lockdown is over (besides getting a Burger Fuel) is investing in some equipment for a garage gym.

3. Appreciate the small things.
I would imagine I’m not alone in saying I tend to do my life at a million miles an hour. This time at home has afforded me the opportunity to find joy in the smallest things; a veg box delivery, 10 minutes playing with my dog between calls, dressing up for the sake of dressing up, eating homemade pasta etc. This is something I plan on continuing, and I would urge you to do the same!

While it certainly is a long road before we return to ‘normal’ (though I’m not sure we’ll ever be the same again), we are incredibly fortunate to be in this lovely little country and to have an ‘end’ somewhat in our sights. I for one am very excited to see all your lovely faces once this is over.

Beth Haigh | Recruitment Advisor | beth@everestpeople.co.nz