However, with the opening of the borders, we are already beginning to see an increase in overseas applicants – those in a ready state with Immigration processes and just awaiting a job offer. We have been bereft of these professionals for the last two years.
So, what does this mean for you and your business?
Don’t be too dismissive of these applicants. There is a perception that the paperwork and submissions to MBIE can be onerous. However, the long term benefits can be immense with increased levels of engagement and commitment to your organisation. Take the time at the outset to establish their connections to NZ, whether they have been here previously or have friends/ family who have undertaken this process and can guide them through the expectations v/s realities of moving themselves and their families across the globe.
The Pros and Cons of Hiring Overseas Candidates:
It is a daunting process for both parties and with the ever-changing processes being communicated through government channels, ensure you seek advice.
The following links may provide you with some further insights.