05 Oct 2022

10 Things You Can Do to Change your Brain

Henry ford is quoted as saying ‘If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.’ This is a powerful statement which is true of how we process and create our own reality.

Number 10 in this blog written by Taylor Martin supports this further and states that ‘if you believe you can do something – that’s more than half the battle’.

It’s not often that I come across lists that I agree with, however the Ten Things you can do to literally change your brain fits with some of what we teach in our Emotional Intelligence training. The only part of this blog that I don’t agree with is the sentence ‘But, as with anything, it’s best in moderation’ – whilst it is true for drinking coffee, in fact there are just some things that you should not do – even in moderation!



By Jean Schoultz, Coach & Trainer

Ph: 021 104 6092