20 Nov 2022

Employing staff over 65

How open are you to employing staff in the 65+ age bracket "White haired" experience, how open are you to employing staff in the 65+ age bracket?

With baby boomers more healthy and living longer than ever before, second careers are becoming increasingly common. Many retirees are choosing to continue to work well into their traditional retirement years. About 40% of people who retire take a break and then return to work, typically within two years.

Most studies show little relationship between age and job performance. In jobs that require experience, older adults tend to have a competitive edge. And that experience often compensates for any physical and cognitive decline.

Ageism is not a new story. We know that age discrimination exists particularly in certain industries. When next recruiting take a minute to consider what a “white haired” employee with the right skills and experience could bring to your business.

By Wendy Bright, Business Support Manager

Ph: 027 4884 583