Client Account Setup & Terms and Conditions Acknowledgement (Recruitment)


    Address Information

    Postal Address *

    Postal Address *

    Contact Information

    Business Information

    Partner / Director's Name *

    Partner / Director's Address *

    Credit References (excluding utility companies)

    Company Name *

    Telephone *

    A/c No *

    Personal Guarantee of Indebtedness

    Limited Liability / Trust Applicants only

    To: Everest Group Limited (EGL)

    In consideration of EGL giving credit to the Client in accordance with the attached Application for Credit, at the guarantor’s request, the guarantor:

    1. Guarantees that the client will perform all of the Client’s obligations set out in the Application for Credit which includes the Terms and Conditions of Sale and any Project Agreement.

    2. Acknowledges and agrees:

      (a) this guarantee is a continuing all obligations guarantee; and

      (b) is given jointly and severally (where there is more than one guarantor); and

      (c) will continue to be binding and at all times enforceable by EGL even if the client dies, is placed in liquidation, or bankruptcy or if any amendments are made to the Application for Credit, Terms and Conditions of Sale or Project Agreement.

    3. EGL may release or discharge any of the guarantors from liability under this guarantee (or may compromise its claim against any such guarantors) without prejudicing EGL’s rights against others.

    4. The guarantor(s) acknowledge that they were advised to take independent legal advice before signing this guarantee.

    Full Name(s) of Guarantor(s):

    Address of Guarantor(s):


    I/we hereby apply for credit with Everest Group Limited (EGL) and agree to EGL obtaining such information directly from the above and any other party as deemed necessary in regard to ascertaining my/our credit standard. I/we agree to the Terms and Conditions of Sale as attached. I/we agree to the EGL Terms of Trade.